Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What is Genetic Modification (GM) or Genetic Engineering?

The process of taking a gene from one organism and inserting it into the genome of another unrelated organism to give it certain new traits is called GM. Genes can be found in the nucleus of every cell in all living organisms and are the very building blocks of life. They decide the characteristics, structure, growth and behaviour of all organisms, including us. They play the critical role of passing on genetic information from one generation to the other. If you are tired of people telling you how you resemble your parents, you can blame genes for that. In the 1970s, some clever scientists figured out that they could transfer genes of one species into the genome of another and that got them excited. What if we were to insert spider genes into the genome of goats? May be the goat milk would contain spider web protein? What if we were to insert cow genes into the genome of pigs? May be they would develop cowhides? And that’s how the whole genetic experiment began.

'The ability to introduce alien genes into a genome is an impressive technological manipulation but we remain too ignorant of how the genome works to anticipate all of the consequences, subtle or obvious, immediate or long-term, of those manipulations'.
David Suzuki, Geneticist, Author of more than 30 books, Awarded UNESCO prize for science

What can go wrong?
GM scientists would normally say ‘It is just like taking a page out of one book and putting it into another'. One can only wish it were that simple. The process of producing a GM crop can cause significant changes in the natural functioning of the plant's genome (gene sequence). Let's take the same analogy to see what can go wrong with a GM experiment?

The inserted page (gene) may turn out to be multiple identical pages, partial pages, or small pieces of text. Sections of the insert may be misspelled, deleted, inverted, or scrambled. Next to the inserts, the story may become indecipherable, with random letters, new text, and pages missing. There will now be typos throughout, sometimes hundreds or thousands of them. Letters may be switched, words scrambled, and sentences deleted, repeated or reversed. Passages from one part of the book, even whole chapters (chromosomes) may be relocated or repeated elsewhere, and bits of text from entirely different books can show up from time to time. Many of the characters in the story may now act differently. Some minor roles might become permanent, leads demoted and some may have switched roles from hero to villain or vice versa.

Quite simply, one may start with Rama and end with Ravan. Many things may happen to the plant's genome (gene sequence) that can not only cause problems for the plant and its environment, but also to those who consume it.

How can GM affect you?
When a foreign gene is inserted in to the cell of an organism, it can disrupt the genome (gene sequence) in ways one can't predict. These unintended side-effects of genetic modification can be harmful to those who consume it, to those who grow it and also to the environment. When GM food was tested on rats by independent scientists, the results were alarming. They had stunted growth, impaired immune systems, potentially precancerous cell growth in the intestines, inflamed kidneys and lung tissue, less developed brain, enlarged livers, pancreases and intestines and higher blood sugar. Even their offspring were affected, showing that there are even inter-generational effects with GM crops/foods.

The regulation for such harmful food is surprisingly lax. In US, for example, safety is the company's responsibility and their reports on studies are often not made available for public scrutiny. The food doesn't even carry a label, so the consumer has no knowledge or choice about GM. GM food is all set to be launched in India very soon and in all likelihood these foods may not carry a label. In any case, when the food is not packaged as it is mostly in India, labeling is not possible.

Check out the statements made by scientists the world over at : http://ngin.tripod.com/foodstatements.htm and http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Documents/gmoquote.htm.

It is imperative to note that "Potentially, it could breed new animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer, novel epidemics." Are we ready for this ?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Global Warming is killing 315,000 people annually

According to a new study, global warming is killing 315,000 people annually and creating $125B USD in damages. This impact is almost entirely shouldered by developing nations. (Source: j2fi). Meanwhile the 50 poorest nations only contribute 1 percent of total global greenhouse gas emissions. The report says this situation -- and the death toll -- will only get worse, if action
is not taken. (Source: Global Envision) <http://dynamic1.dailytech.com/www/delivery/ck.php?n=cb7063c>. According to a new Global Humanitarian Forum (GHF) report, global
warming may be one of the deadliest threats to man yet.

Many question whether man is causing global warming <http://www.dailytech.com/New+Climate+Study+Indicates+Hottest+Decade+in+1300+Years/article12831.htm> , whether it is really occurring, and exactly how bad it really is. While the jury maybe out on the first question, recent studies have indicated that the world is indeed warming, either due to natural or
anthropogenic (human-induced) factors. Many put the blame on greenhouse gases <http://www.dailytech.com/Data+Places+Blame+on+Humans+for+Polar+W\
> .

That debate aside, a recent study by the Global Humanitarian Forum (GHF) sought to answer the third question, looking at the impact of global warming on mankind <http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSLS1002309> .
What it claims is shocking -- it blames global warming for 315,000 deaths a year since 2003. The deaths are resulting from hunger, sickness and weather disasters attributed to climate changes. Further, based on current predicted temperature rises, it expects this death toll to reach half a million yearly by 2030.

The study also found that climate change impacts the lives of 325 million people worldwide, and that by 2030 it will likely impact 10 percent of the world's population (670 million, based on
current figures). It also placed the financial losses due to global warming at $125B USD per year, and expects this figure to rise to $340B USD annually by 2030.

Kofi Annan, former U.N. secretary-general and GHF president states, "Climate change is the greatest emerging humanitarian challenge of our time, causing suffering to hundreds of millions
of people worldwide. The first hit and worst affected are the world's poorest groups, and yet they have done least to cause the problem."

The report also found that nine tenths of the human and economic losses from global warming are borne by developing nations. Meanwhile, the 50 poorest countries only contribute 1 percent of emissions. He says 500 million people, living in poverty worldwide, are particularly vulnerable, as they live in locations extremely vulnerable to droughts, floods, storms, sea-level rise and creeping deserts caused by climate changes. Mr. Annan urges world leaders to adopt a binding and effective successor to the Kyoto Protocol at a planned December U.N. meeting
> in Copenhagen.

Mr. Annan states, "Copenhagen needs to be the most ambitious international agreement ever negotiated. The alternative is mass starvation, mass migration and mass sickness."

He says even the worst-case U.N. reports fall short of the true impact climate change may have. With new evidence he cites pointing to faster than previously predicted warming, he says the
time for inaction is past. He says funds to combat climate change will have to rise from the current level of $400M USD annually to an estimated $32B USD annually.

Barbara Stocking, chief executive of Oxfam in Britain and a GHF board member, chimes in stating, "Funding from rich countries to help the poor and vulnerable adapt to climate change is not even 1 percent of what is needed. This glaring injustice must be addressed at Copenhagen in December."

Read and ACT
Ever seen a greenhouse? They are the sheds with roofs and sometimes even walls made of glass and other transparent material. This lets a huge amount of solar heat in and warms the
air which is trapped inside by the roof and the walls, keeping the temperature inside the greenhouse much warmer than outside. In cold climates this helps certain species of plants that prefer a more tropical environment to thrive. The sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere and bring life and heat to the planet. However a huge amount of this radiation is reflected back by the planet. It’s a very delicate balance, because too much heat reflected would mean an ice age and too little would mean we would be a burnt toast! Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Methane and Water vapour are called greenhouse gases. These gases form a layer in the atmosphere and prevent the reflected radiation from leaving the Earth. Just like a greenhouse, this will make the temperature on the surface become steadily hotter. This effect is called Global Warming. 1998
and 2005 have been the hottest years in recorded history!

According to a study completed by researchers and scientists at MIT there has been a 100% increase in the intensity and duration of severe storms such as hurricanes and tornadoes since the 1970s. The study found that this is most likely due to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. The temperature of the Earth in the last 100 years has risen by 0.6 deg C and is
steadily rising, and according to scientists will rise further by 1.1 deg C to 6.4 deg C this century! This may seem like insignificant figures, but if the global temperature falls by just 4 deg C, we will experience an ice age, Canada will be under a mile of ice! A 6.4 deg C rise in temperature could well signal the end of life as we know it! Global Warming is insidious. It’s not like an earthquake or a tornado or a volcano. It’s a slow, steady march towards doom. And because
it’s slow, we tend to ignore the threat. We just turn on the air conditioner and complain about the weather and more or less go on with our lives as if nothing major is really happening. This attitude is not going to help us for long. Fortunately more and more people are becoming aware of global warming and are slowly accepting it as a serious problem, serious enough that they are willing to change their lifestyles. The top three causes of global warming are:
1. Power generation
2. The Meat industry
3. Transportation
I would love to add another cause there, it’s the United States of America. They have 4% of the global population and contribute to 25% of the greenhouse gas emissions. More than India, China and Japan put together!

Can an individual really make a difference to this very alarming problem? The answer is a
resounding Yes! After all, it’s just individuals who form the society. Each person makes life style choices every day. When each person starts to choose a greener more responsible way of living, then it’s still not too late to arrest planet meltdown.

Use less electricity. This is a no brainer. Turn off lights, fans, air conditioners, heater, etc.

Remember to turn off the switch in the wall.

Heating and Air conditioning are the two biggest power consumers. In cold weather, wear more clothes and insulate your house so you don’t need so much heating. Use a Solar geyser for heating bath water. In hot weather, keep the use of air conditioning to minimal and set the ac at 24 deg C or more.

Use energy saving devices, such as LED lights for lighting.

Don’t leave your computer on stand by or with a screen saver. According to the Clean Air-Cool Planet Website, one computer left on all day results in the emission of 1,500 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year. It would take 100 to 500 trees to absorb that amount of extra carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Multiply this by the number of computers on the planet and the results will be pretty phenomenal. You will see that small actions, done with consistency and commitment will add up to a very big savings in the long run.

We all need to go places. But we can do it in healthy, responsible ways. Walk, run, bicycle, skate your way to places that are near. This not only reduces your ecological footprint, but also keeps the body healthy.

Use public transport. And if you have to use a car at all then try to use the option of car pool.

If you are in the market for a new car, choose one that gives more Kms per liter of fuel, rather than one that just looks good. Lobby for getting hybrid and other energy efficient cars to be made in India.

As far as possible, avoid flying.

Many corporations are choosing to have their employees work from home. This means a terrific saving in transportation costs as well as logistical costs of maintaining an office!

Here is a little known fact, one that many websites and even Al Gore (An Inconvenient Truth) or Leonardo Di Caprio (The 11th Hour) didn’t talk about. A meat based diet contributes to 40%
more greenhouse gases than the pollution generated by ALL the traffic in the entire world put together! All the cars, buses, trains, planes and ships of the planet don’t pollute as much as the meat industry. They actually pollute 40% less!!

There are billions of animals being slaughtered every year. In the US alone, the number of animals being “processed” every year is more than 6 times the human population on the planet. Understand that these animals need food to eat and water to drink. They also excrete. The
colossal amount of food and water that is pumped into this industry is enough to feed more than 50 times the current human population. In fact, if just 10% of the US population went vegetarian, there would be enough food for 800 million people and the entire world’s hunger problem would be solved! If you ate a plant based diet, you would save so much water, that
you could leave your shower on, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year and still save more water for the planet compared to a person having meat. A plant based diet is now accepted to be vastly superior for the human body than a meat based diet. The tremendous amount of resources needed to create meat translates therefore into billions of tons of greenhouse gases being
released into the atmosphere… Finally while you are combating global warming, by choosing to eat green, you also stand up for the meekest and smallest amongst us. Those helpless animals with no voice and no choice at all… So at every meal, each person can make a greener, healthier, more humane choice: Eating vegetarian food!

The above choices (there are many more green tips which are not mentioned here though) exercised made by more and more people on the planet will ensure more than anything else, the arrest and reversal of the very severe threat of Global Warming Please spread the word…